Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Haven't really published anything in a while. I mean, I always had the INTENTION of doing so, but I never got around to it. Maybe I just suck and lack of motivation to continue this blog has put my brain to a stop button.
Nevertheless, I shall post something, such as right now. What I've been meaning to do is write a game of the month review-I just haven't thought of any type of catchy name before I can do that though.
So until then, I guess I'll blog about things that happen to me during classes. I'm an art major so most of my teachers are awesome. I personally, however, do not like my English teacher that much. Not because I hate the subject [that would be extremely hypocritical of me] but I dislike writing essays and reading within an allotted time period. I take a REALLY long time to read something. Mostly because the first time I read it, I do not understand the whole concept because I just see words. The second time around, however, I actually identify what the words mean pertaining to the paragraph.

Well, this was all a bunch of nonsense. I need to blog anyway. My boyfriend bought me a book about blogging so I might as well use it.
I highly doubt anyone looks at this blog anyway, but it's worth the shot.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lazy Co-Workers

What I hate the most about the job is lazy co-workers that do not do any type of work. Sure, I understand if there's a shitload of customers and you're not able to do all your work. I do not understand, however, if there are two people working in one section with NO customers in sight and the shit does not get done. I can't get it through my head that the higher authority doesn't do anything to penalize these people. Are you fucking kidding me? I have to stay an extra hour because these bitches didn't finish their work when I finished my work an hour before the store even CLOSED?! It smells like complete bullshit if you ask me, and I'm tired of it. I feel like going on strike or something against the company that I work for, but I won't. 1. Because the company is waayyyyy to powerful and 2. I would get my ass handed to me like I'm playing Call of Duty.

I also hate lazy "higher authorities" such as managers or bosses. I mean, every company is going to have them, but what I don't understand how that person gets promoted to that position when I do more work then they do.

I'm not even bitching and moaning. I just want to stand for what is right. Is that so much to ask? Fuck people. Justice.
You know what, American's probably don't even believe in justice anymore. We just believe in doing things right here, right now. Maybe that's why the highest teen pregnancy rate is in the South Bronx.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Stalking is terrible.
Now, that is such a true statement it's crazy. There are several reasons onto why this is the case.
First, if you are doing the stalking:
-It makes you obsessed with that person/people and he/she/they would be the only thing[s] you think about.
-You're heart starts to hurt.
-You constantly think about the negative in the situation with the person you're stalking
-You are overlooking the situation to an extreme extent.
However, if YOU are the one being stalked.
Stop and tell a higher authority. Whether it be a police officer, manager or parent.
Talking to a friend will help you calm down in the situation, but it will not solve the problem.
You must tell someone you can trust that has higher authority. That person you trust may have your life in their hands.
So tell someone. Don't be afraid. Nobody should ever be looked on 24/7. We are people, not animal subjects [which shouldn't exist anyway].
Also, before the higher authority even comes to you, try and take all precautions to put your safety first.
Because, this world needs more genius'. We can't let someone die over a little high school stalk gone wrong.

Monday, December 27, 2010

RABoOM: Katy Perry

This girl is amazing. She is not the stereotypical singer that you see now a days. She's happily married and she looks like a freakin' pin up model. If I ever met her in person, I would probably cry. Why? She has a VOICE and sends a message to people. She's a tease and she has a beautiful body. I mean, she made a song about KISSING a girl. That lone song made so much media by itself, it's crazy. It influence the term "Barsexual" [two straight women kissing each other only at bars] and influenced an episode on the Tyra Banks Show. Her latest single Firework is beautiful and sends a great message. I literally almost cried when I saw the video. You need to listen to the lyrics and see the video. It's wonderful.
[Whenever i personally hear a song that has great meaning AND is combined with a great voice, it gives me a feeling inside that someday, happiness will truly occur. That life is worth loving.]
I personally like the song The One That Got Away. [If you've been keeping up with my "emo pie" blogs, you would understand I'm in love with a total douche bag, but I don't want to let him go so it completely pertains to me.] [I love songs that have meaning and depth. Songs that actually MEAN something instead of songs that just repeatedly say the same things in the songs such as: pussy, bitch, alcohol, sex, weed, drugs, lollipops... When songs have meaning, the listener feels more in tune with the artist, thinking that the artist actually understands them. Songs are originally meant to define a meaning, not talk about brushing your teeth with a bottle of liquor because you're an alcoholic.]
Her song Ur So Gay & Peacock is funny, Hot N' Cold describes most teenage relationships & Teenage Dream describes her undying love for Brand. That, and so much more, is why she is the current RABoOM of December.
[Definition at the bottom]
On top of that, she has awesome makeup and an amazing bust :}

Katy Perry = Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
October 25, 1984
Mrs. Russell Brand as of Oct. 23, 2010
{What a GREAT birthday present!}
She mostly wears bright colors.
She almost always smiles <3.
 She's at the top of her career!

Teenage Dream
 Hot N Cold [Clean Version]
  I Kissed A Girl

As you can see from the I Kissed A Girl video to Firework, she has matured. But she is still the same ol' Perry :}

RABoOM: "Rad, Awesome, Band of our Month"  It is including [but not limited to]: older bands and/or musical artists, musical artists that are not the talk in the media that month, someone/a band I personally listen to a WHOLE lot, a musical artist[s] that tickles my fancy, and is just overall awesome. 

"Emo Pie" comment courtesy of :

Lady Gaga :]

Just a random posting concerning three Lady Gaga songs + three pictures :3

 I love her <3