Monday, December 27, 2010

RABoOM: Katy Perry

This girl is amazing. She is not the stereotypical singer that you see now a days. She's happily married and she looks like a freakin' pin up model. If I ever met her in person, I would probably cry. Why? She has a VOICE and sends a message to people. She's a tease and she has a beautiful body. I mean, she made a song about KISSING a girl. That lone song made so much media by itself, it's crazy. It influence the term "Barsexual" [two straight women kissing each other only at bars] and influenced an episode on the Tyra Banks Show. Her latest single Firework is beautiful and sends a great message. I literally almost cried when I saw the video. You need to listen to the lyrics and see the video. It's wonderful.
[Whenever i personally hear a song that has great meaning AND is combined with a great voice, it gives me a feeling inside that someday, happiness will truly occur. That life is worth loving.]
I personally like the song The One That Got Away. [If you've been keeping up with my "emo pie" blogs, you would understand I'm in love with a total douche bag, but I don't want to let him go so it completely pertains to me.] [I love songs that have meaning and depth. Songs that actually MEAN something instead of songs that just repeatedly say the same things in the songs such as: pussy, bitch, alcohol, sex, weed, drugs, lollipops... When songs have meaning, the listener feels more in tune with the artist, thinking that the artist actually understands them. Songs are originally meant to define a meaning, not talk about brushing your teeth with a bottle of liquor because you're an alcoholic.]
Her song Ur So Gay & Peacock is funny, Hot N' Cold describes most teenage relationships & Teenage Dream describes her undying love for Brand. That, and so much more, is why she is the current RABoOM of December.
[Definition at the bottom]
On top of that, she has awesome makeup and an amazing bust :}

Katy Perry = Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
October 25, 1984
Mrs. Russell Brand as of Oct. 23, 2010
{What a GREAT birthday present!}
She mostly wears bright colors.
She almost always smiles <3.
 She's at the top of her career!

Teenage Dream
 Hot N Cold [Clean Version]
  I Kissed A Girl

As you can see from the I Kissed A Girl video to Firework, she has matured. But she is still the same ol' Perry :}

RABoOM: "Rad, Awesome, Band of our Month"  It is including [but not limited to]: older bands and/or musical artists, musical artists that are not the talk in the media that month, someone/a band I personally listen to a WHOLE lot, a musical artist[s] that tickles my fancy, and is just overall awesome. 

"Emo Pie" comment courtesy of :

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