Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Stalking is terrible.
Now, that is such a true statement it's crazy. There are several reasons onto why this is the case.
First, if you are doing the stalking:
-It makes you obsessed with that person/people and he/she/they would be the only thing[s] you think about.
-You're heart starts to hurt.
-You constantly think about the negative in the situation with the person you're stalking
-You are overlooking the situation to an extreme extent.
However, if YOU are the one being stalked.
Stop and tell a higher authority. Whether it be a police officer, manager or parent.
Talking to a friend will help you calm down in the situation, but it will not solve the problem.
You must tell someone you can trust that has higher authority. That person you trust may have your life in their hands.
So tell someone. Don't be afraid. Nobody should ever be looked on 24/7. We are people, not animal subjects [which shouldn't exist anyway].
Also, before the higher authority even comes to you, try and take all precautions to put your safety first.
Because, this world needs more genius'. We can't let someone die over a little high school stalk gone wrong.

Monday, December 27, 2010

RABoOM: Katy Perry

This girl is amazing. She is not the stereotypical singer that you see now a days. She's happily married and she looks like a freakin' pin up model. If I ever met her in person, I would probably cry. Why? She has a VOICE and sends a message to people. She's a tease and she has a beautiful body. I mean, she made a song about KISSING a girl. That lone song made so much media by itself, it's crazy. It influence the term "Barsexual" [two straight women kissing each other only at bars] and influenced an episode on the Tyra Banks Show. Her latest single Firework is beautiful and sends a great message. I literally almost cried when I saw the video. You need to listen to the lyrics and see the video. It's wonderful.
[Whenever i personally hear a song that has great meaning AND is combined with a great voice, it gives me a feeling inside that someday, happiness will truly occur. That life is worth loving.]
I personally like the song The One That Got Away. [If you've been keeping up with my "emo pie" blogs, you would understand I'm in love with a total douche bag, but I don't want to let him go so it completely pertains to me.] [I love songs that have meaning and depth. Songs that actually MEAN something instead of songs that just repeatedly say the same things in the songs such as: pussy, bitch, alcohol, sex, weed, drugs, lollipops... When songs have meaning, the listener feels more in tune with the artist, thinking that the artist actually understands them. Songs are originally meant to define a meaning, not talk about brushing your teeth with a bottle of liquor because you're an alcoholic.]
Her song Ur So Gay & Peacock is funny, Hot N' Cold describes most teenage relationships & Teenage Dream describes her undying love for Brand. That, and so much more, is why she is the current RABoOM of December.
[Definition at the bottom]
On top of that, she has awesome makeup and an amazing bust :}

Katy Perry = Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
October 25, 1984
Mrs. Russell Brand as of Oct. 23, 2010
{What a GREAT birthday present!}
She mostly wears bright colors.
She almost always smiles <3.
 She's at the top of her career!

Teenage Dream
 Hot N Cold [Clean Version]
  I Kissed A Girl

As you can see from the I Kissed A Girl video to Firework, she has matured. But she is still the same ol' Perry :}

RABoOM: "Rad, Awesome, Band of our Month"  It is including [but not limited to]: older bands and/or musical artists, musical artists that are not the talk in the media that month, someone/a band I personally listen to a WHOLE lot, a musical artist[s] that tickles my fancy, and is just overall awesome. 

"Emo Pie" comment courtesy of : http://lipsticknerds.blogspot.com/

Lady Gaga :]

Just a random posting concerning three Lady Gaga songs + three pictures :3

 I love her <3


Sunday, December 26, 2010

I figured out how to work the vid link now!

Lmfao. I typed in EpicRandomness into google, and this is the video that popped up. Enjoy <3

XBOX 360

As I researched countless times, I think the 360 is right for me. Why? Mainly because most of my friends have it so I won't be a total n00b. And...yeah that's basically it. I want the system for the online play. <3

I do, however, secretly want the PS3.

Mainly because I want to play awesome games like:
God of War III and Heavy Rain.

But the 360 has some sweet games too! :
Left for Dead 2 & Gears of War & Halo.
What I do like about the consoles, is that some of the games that come out for one, automatically come out for the other such as : Bayonetta & Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit [haven't played yet]

The games that I'm anticipating are: Rock Band 3 {with piano}, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Kingdom Hearts 3 {if Square Enix is even MAKING the game} and the Street Fighter vs. Tekken game. 

I'll post my gamertag up whenever I do get a 360. I already bought LFD2 and Fable III. My next game that I purchase will be a Call of Duty game. 
I've read several reviews and am kind of iffy about purchasing Black Ops. I've played Modern Warfare 2 and now I've heard that Call of Duty 4 is the new shit.

I've been apart of the Sony market ever since the first playstation, so I slightly feel like I'm betraying the market by going against the competitor.

At least I'm not buying a Wii. {which I'm not saying anything is bad with the Wii. None of the games really interest me for the console}

Dear You

A letter to him:

Dear you,
  All those laughs together has been a lie.
  All those sweet nothings you've said were lies.
  All those times you've said you've wanted to be with me
  were lies.
  All those times you've kissed me,
  held me,
  and said you've loved me,
  were nothing but bold lies.
  Lies that have been letting me hold on for so long.

  I've loved you for several years.
  You've broken my heart many times.
  And yet you still come back for more.
  You know you always hurt me.
  You know you always make me cry.
  Yet you still come back for more.
  I think about you constantly,
  no matter how much I secretly hate you.
  This must be the end for us.
  I cannot love you no more.
  My heart has been shattered too many times.
  And you're frankly not worth it anymore.
  I wish I could see the look on your face.
  The last look I'll ever see on your face.
  We are done.

  I cannot love someone,
  whom is in love with someone else.
  Who, in the matter, is not in love with them back.
  I could do so much better.
  So goodbye forever.
  This was your lost.
  You lost someone good.
  You damned prick.

  She had nothing on me.
  Don't you understand?
  I would've never cheated,
  I would've never argued angrily.
  I would've gave you endless love
  And an endless amount that
  would have been
  intoxicating to the soul.

  Goodbye precious friend.
  Goodbye until you've grown.
  Because you will always be in my heart.
  Since you were my first love.

  Or maybe everything I thought
  were lies, were actually truths.
  You just didn't know how to express yourself.
  Nevertheless, if that was the case,
  you need to express feelings better.
  I know I have done my part,
  now it's time to do yours.

  Maybe you didn't spend time with her.
  Maybe you're home doing nothing.
  Not answering my texts for some reason,
  Not answering my phone calls.
  Or maybe you are with her.
  Making sweet love to someone who thinks it's sex.
  Maybe you're whispering sweet nothings into her ears.
  Or maybe you're dead.
  Well, Sir, if that's the case,
  then at least my suffering will be over.

  Oh, and by the way,
  That broken heart that's in my sketch book
  That you drew,
  Is still unfinished.
  Be a man and finish it.
  Finish the story.
  My story depends on you.
  Because you're the pussy who broke a girls heart
  To be with a girl whom doesn't love you.


Snow is beautiful.
Snow is wonderful.
Snow is magical.
Snow is winter.
Snow is happiness.

Snow is fun.
It makes kids laugh.
It makes kids happy.
It's something that's natural and fun.
It's something that kids and adults alike
can wait a long time for.

Snow makes some sad.
They may think it's the best thing in the world.
But it's never fun to play by yourself.
It's always fun to play with others.
To have countless snowball fights,
to make numerous snow angels.
And to "carve" messages into the snow.
Snow is not fun for those whom are lonely.

Snow turns ugly when humans start fucking with it.
                                                     It starts to scream when it turns yellow.
It's purity is gone once it hits the Earth.
It causes people to stay home and be gluttonous. 
It makes people cry because they have to remove the snow
from their lawns and cars.
Snow is a bother to many individuals.
Snow is shunned.

It is cold.
It will hurt a person.
It is necessary to always wear layers.
Because snow will burn.

Snow turns to ice.
Ice hurts people.
Ice kills people.
It is a nuisance to many.
It is bothersome to all.
It is dangerous.
It is Ice.

{Ice and Snow}
It is not an electronic.
It's not patient.
It does not answer to anyone.
It's it's own entity.
Random snow images:

{see what I mean by gluttonous? My mom made me a big cookie for Christmas <3}

Friday, December 24, 2010

Roller Coasters

Ever since going to an amusement park in October, I CANNOT stop thinking about it. 
{It is currently December and I want to go sooooooo~ badly.}

I want to ride all the coasters.
I want to scream at the top of my lungs.
I want to lose my voice.
I want to ride the coasters.
I want to feel queasy.
I want to be scared. 
I want to feel empowered.
I want to feel daring.
I want to ride the rides.
Then possibly eat funnel cakes {or cookies} afterwards.
Then ride more coasters before I go home.

I crave adrealine and competition.
It's the Sagittarius in me :}

-Kingda Ka-
-El Toro-


When on the verge of quitting a job, it just means you need to start looking for another to satisfy your needs.
Oh, and a job shouldn't feel like slavery.
At all.
Fuck that shit.
The company has many more workers who can work.
It's not necessary for you to work 14 hours.
Sorry :3

The Boondocks :}

This show is awesome. Point done.

Customers prt 2

Sidenote: Don't worry, if you're looking for something exciting about me saying anything about the wonderful world of retail, I will, eventually, after I stop working. [Which will probably be some time after the holiday season...in March]

If you try and hit on someone, why say something like "you're cute, can you give me a discount?"

I asked a customer his birthday, because we need to know it in order to sell certain products in the store.
He says he doesn't know his birthday.
That's he's born in 2010.
I say, "Happy late birthday Sir! I'm so happy you're a few months old already!"
The customer behind him starting laughing.
He still didn't get it.
"I was born in 2007"
I honestly didn't have time for his shinanigans, so I just asked to see his ID. He was well over the age limit, but I just needed to see it for security purposes.

He then later asks me if I want to go out with him.
"I'm sorry Sir, I do not date 3 year olds."
He asked me out later that day.
I responded the same way.

I think he was high on Marijuana or something [why do I say this? His clothes WREAKED of the aroma]

Can't guys get better at asking girls out?

But that's another blog :}

Customers prt 1

Don't try and bribe me to skip the line. I probably make the amount that you bribe me in two days, but I work hard for my money.

You should have done your holiday shopping early, sorry. You have to wait on the line that everyone else is on- and yes, they have been waiting over an hour.

And just because it's the holiday season, doesn't mean you have the right to skip people who have been waiting on line for the longest. Who do you think you are?


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Random Things 1!

"New" Mario Bros. Movie [guns and blood shown]

If you live in New York, this would be a cute date spot for the night :] Time Travel to Old New York

Now these guys, Nigahiga, are awesome. They make me laugh out loud, literally. Here's one video : Bromance!

Oh yeah. Total Drama World Tour [in this video, however, it's referred to as Total Drama : The Musical] is also a great show to watch on CartoonNetwork. As is Chowder :]
TDWT is a "reality" show that has the people participating on the show do absurd things that under normal circumstances, would not be possible.
Chowder is a show about the character Chowder and the different adventures he gets into with all his other fellow characters [which all have a food as their names. Mung, Schnitzel, etc.]

Well, this article made me feel better about myself. He's the voice actor for several various well-known projects, and came from the Bronx, New York. Just like me! Kevin Michael Richardson

A GREAT site to go to when you're bored is http://www.stumbleupon.com
I love it because it shows you different websites on the internet concerning you're personal interests which you put into the sites.
I've seen many different things on the internet concerning: Astronomy, Comedy, Politics, and much more.
For example, I'm currently an aspiring artist, and while on the website I came across upon this website http://www.zefrank.com/scribbler/ it's cute. You doodle whatever you want into the blank space on the right side of the screen, press a button, and the website instantly makes it look ten times cooler then what you did.
I also installed the Stumble toolbar thing onto my web browser. If I happen to find something random on the internet, I can click the "I like it!" button, and it is automatically saved into my library as a favorite.
As one of the categories I put of me liking on the website, I put cats. Here's a cute cat video riding a turtle if you think felines tickle your shin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjZqZWbmXK4

There's so much to choose from on that site. Maybe it will someday feature my blog as one of the things you Stumbleupon! -smiles-

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Featuring: Random Videos!

Lol. I always have a good laugh when I'm trying to post a blog about something meaningful in life.
Because, I eventually do not post a blog and just watch videos for the rest of the night.
Caution: You may literally laugh out loud to some of these videos
Caution 2: It also may offend you  

The first four videos have slight sexual content.
[First one has a naked human {Sexual contents covered}]

Symphony Hour [one of my favs!]

Three Little Pigs[Disney] [They're afraid of the big bad wolf!]

Giga Pudding [Japanese Pudding!]  [Courtesy: found by my friend Valentin]

And that's just about it! I was trying to find some headshots concerning Call of Duty, but frankly, I'm just too tired to do so  [since it is almost 3 am]

More videos to come!

All courtesy of Youtube.com :D!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Adults liking cartoons?

I know I'm a kid at heart. I'm always going to be a kid no matter how old I get. But I know society expects everyone to grow up fast, especially kids. [Makeup for a 7 year old? Really? Are they not allowed to use their mother's makeup anymore?] [I'm not even getting into the sexual encounters that kid's are getting nowadays.]

I recently saw Tangled [the latest Disney released movie] and absolutely loved it. I tell my co-workers and they ask me "you really saw that?"
Is that a problem? I'm not ashamed to tell others that I love cartoons and animated movies anymore. That's just who I am.
I think when some people reach a certain age, they assume that they need to stop watching childish things to impress other people, to seem older then they really are. Well you know what, the older you get, the younger you want to get, even if you don't realize that in the early twenties. I regret not enjoying my youth to the fullest when I was a teenager. I could have done so many different things with my life and interacted with so many people. I guess the older you get, the more regret you have on your life. Depends if the person HAS any regrets, though.

However, I could be wrong. Maybe some people just don't watch cartoons because they despise them. They despise the very essence of everything happy-go-lucky in the world and just want to watch CSI all day [which is not a bad show either]. In reality, it's a person's choice to decide whether or not cartoons or anything animated is their "thing." Maybe music is their "thing." Maybe doing taxes is their "thing."

All in all, cartoons are a preference. Some people like them, some people don't. However, it's wrong to say "You really saw that?" to someone. You're making it sound like a disease or something disgusting. It's my choice and my decision into seeing and enjoying something. You need to respect that.
If you don't, you're the one that's still a child.

 <-Bottom picture found via Google.com->

You can't sue rain.

There's this myth that rain makes people sadder, slower, and sleeper. I've also heard people say that when their joints start to hurt, that that's a sign that a storm is coming. Maybe all this mystical mumbo jumbo is not false.

I know that when it is raining outside, I personally sleep a lot more [which isn't a bad thing] and tend to procrastinate to a different extent. For example, instead of reading the book for class, I play The Sims 3 instead. I personally think the reasoning behind this is for when I was a child, I used to stay home on a stormy day due to school cancellations. So, in my mind, I think that a rainy day is the day off, when this is never the case.
However, to other people, the rain is just a symbol of the coming day. Rain stimulates the plants and makes them grow. It cools the ground and hydrates the Earth.
It's also a cause of danger due to slippery roads and slippery sidewalks. Sorry guys, you can't sue Mother Nature.

Some people hate the rain because it's such a bother when you're out in it and need an umbrella. If the umbrella breaks, it's another burden because the person is getting wet. To others, rain is a blessing. They don't care if they get wet, and they walk around in the rain without an umbrella or a care in the world [I used to be like that]. Others accept the rain and accept the fact they do not have an umbrella nor can afford one.

As to the part where joint pain foresees the future, I'm not really sure about that. Sure, my family and I can foresee a huge storm when we're in pain, but that doesn't mean that everyone else could do the same. Most people will think it's the arthritis talking. Well I'm sorry to tell you, arthritis doesn't talk, it just hurts. Joint pain is different.

I'm not really sure how to end this blog. Just keep safe, dry [if you want to] and don't sue Mother Nature.