Sidenote: Don't worry, if you're looking for something exciting about me saying anything about the wonderful world of retail, I will, eventually, after I stop working. [Which will probably be some time after the holiday March]
If you try and hit on someone, why say something like "you're cute, can you give me a discount?"
I asked a customer his birthday, because we need to know it in order to sell certain products in the store.
He says he doesn't know his birthday.
That's he's born in 2010.
I say, "Happy late birthday Sir! I'm so happy you're a few months old already!"
The customer behind him starting laughing.
He still didn't get it.
"I was born in 2007"
I honestly didn't have time for his shinanigans, so I just asked to see his ID. He was well over the age limit, but I just needed to see it for security purposes.
He then later asks me if I want to go out with him.
"I'm sorry Sir, I do not date 3 year olds."
He asked me out later that day.
I responded the same way.
I think he was high on Marijuana or something [why do I say this? His clothes WREAKED of the aroma]
Can't guys get better at asking girls out?
But that's another blog :}
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